I possess a multi-disciplinary academic background including urban and regional planning, quantitative geography, and environmental sciences. I consider myself a quantitative urban health geographer, who researches in the domain of environmental health problems, using data-driven methods and techniques. I completed my Bachelor's degree in Urban and regional planning, with specialisation in sustainable urban transportation and emission modelling. Then I completed my master's degree in Geographical Information Science from the University of Manchester. My master's works mostly focused on spatial data analysis and advanced spatial modelling. My PhD research focused on environmental health issues, nature-based solutions for public health, and I developed new approaches to model greenspace exposure using innovative geospatial methods and big-spatial data. During my PostDoctoral training, I joined the University of Cambridge and conducted multi-disciplinary research focus on the urban built-natural environment, and public health. At present, my research activities focus on combining spatial data science approaches with public health modeling to investigate active travel behavior in cities worldwide. Additionally, I am developing new models and methods for improving urban environmental exposure assessments.
Geographical Information Science and Remote Sensing
Spatial data science, Geo-AI, Geo-spatial intelligence and Satellite image analysis.
Environmental Science
Environmental epidemiology, Exposure analysis, environmental management and governance
2016 - 2017
University of Manchester
MSc in Geographical Information Science (Distinction)
2009 - 2014
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Bachelor in Urban and Regional Planning
My Research Interests
Nature Based Solutions
Green Infrastructure, Green- Blue Space, Natural Environment, Nature-human interactions.
Urban Transportation
Transportation planning, traffic modelling, transport emission, and active transportation.
Summary of Education
2017 - 2020
University of Manchester
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). Subject Covered: Urban Geography, Geospatial health, Nature based solutions.
Key Technical Skills
Spatial Analytics, Mapping packages
ArcGIS (pro, 10x), QGIS, PostGIS, WebGIS.
Remote Sensing packages
Programming Languages
R (Advanced), Python, MATLAB (Basic)
Statistical Packages
Transport Modelling
Flood Modelling
Flood Modeller Pro, WhiteBox GIS.
SEED Research Scholarship (2017-2020)
Awarded By: University of Manchester
Award Type: Scholarship
Value: Approx. £102k
Best Student Award 2017
Awarded By: University of Manchester
Award Type: Certificate
Equity and Merit Scholarship (2016-2017)
Awarded By: University of Manchester
Award Type: Scholarship
Value: Approx. £32k
Abdul Hamid Award (for best thesis) (2014)
Awarded By: Bangladesh University of Engineering and technology
Award Type: Certificate