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Work Experience



Dates (from – to): September 2020 – September 2021


Occupation or Position Held: Research Assistant (postdoctoral). 


Main Activities and Responsibilities: Working in “Joining Impact models of transport to spatial measures of the Built Environment” (JIBE) and “METAHIT” projects. Analysing spatial data for air pollution impact on health, and developing spatial indicators of built environment UK city regions (JIBE, as CO-I). Contribute to developing an R package for health impact modelling. Managing a part-time research assistant. Publishing of scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals


Type of Sector: University.


Name and Address of Employer: CEDAR, MRC Epidemiology Unit, University of Cambridge. Public health Modelling Group; Cambridge Biomedical Campus; Cambridge; CB2 0SL



Dates (from – to): November 2017 – July 2020


Occupation or Position Held: Teaching Assistant. 


Main Activities and Responsibilities: As a teaching assistant I assisted in several modules at undergraduate and graduate levels. I worked as demonstrator for GIS and Remote sensing modules, conducted tutorials and research workshops. My teaching models include: GEOG40951 GIS & Environmental Applications; GEOG70581 Environmental Monitoring and Modelling Concepts; GEOG20381 Remote Sensing in Action; GEOG20502 Spatial Thinking with GIS- Constructing and exploring virtual worlds; and GEOG12012 Tutorials and Profile of a Research Geographer. 


Type of Sector: University.


Name and Address of Employer: School of Environment, Education and Development (SEED) at University of Manchester; Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL.


Dates (from – to): November 2017 – December 2018 (Part-time)


Occupation or Position Held: GIS Specialties. 


Main Activities and Responsibilities: As part of RESIN project Under Horizon 2020 program (PI: Dr. Jeremy Carter), I was involved in analysing GIS data to model and assess transport infrastructure climate risk for TfGM. This key activities include; managing GIS data, conceptualising risk assessment framework within GIS environment, estimating risk using spatial models for flooding hazard for current and future scenarios. 


Type of Sector: University.


Name and Address of Employer: School of Environment, Education and Development (SEED) at University of Manchester; Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL.


Dates (from – to): July 2018 – September 2018 (Part-time)


Occupation or Position Held: Tree Surveyor. 


Main Activities and Responsibilities: As one of a team of field surveyors for this project my responsibilities were: Visiting and assessing randomly generated plots of land across Greater Manchester to gather information on the presence (or absence) of trees, and recording the tree species, height, width, diameter (DBH), condition and health of every tree found; and answering related questions raised by interested members of the public in the field, while doing the survey.


Type of Sector: Non-Profit Organization.


Name and Address of Employer: City of Trees, Salford, Greater Manchester: City of Trees team, 6 Kansas Avenue, Salford, M50 2GL.


Dates (from – to): February 2016 – June 2016 (Full-time)


Occupation or Position Held: Junior GIS Analyst. 


Main Activities and Responsibilities: As GIS analyst my responsibilities include; Geo-rectification and corrections of old Cadastral Survey Maps; developing SQL queries for Land acquisition database development; Spatial analysis for hydrological models for irrigation projects and creation of GIS data from Satellite images.


Type of Sector: Research and consultancy.


Name and Address of Employer: Institute of Water Modeling, House # 496, Road # 32, New DOHS, Mohakhali, Dhaka - 1206, Bangladesh.


Dates (from – to): April 2015 – January 2016 (Full-time)


Occupation or Position Held: Urban Planner


Main Activities and Responsibilities: This project titled 'Accelerating Sanitation, Hygiene and Water for all by integrating water supply and sanitation planning for Local Government Institutions'. As an urban planner my key responsibilities include: Planning and organize consultation meeting with stakeholders; Conduct focus group discussion of stakeholders; Analyse data using SPSS and prepare planning reports.


Type of Sector: Research based Project.


Name and Address of Employer: Department of Urban and Regional Planning, at Bangladesh University of  Engineering and Technology (BUET); In collaboration with UNICEF and UKAID.



Dates (from – to): September 2014 – December 2014 (Full-time)


Occupation or Position Held: Research Associate


Main Activities and Responsibilities: This project evaluated the social, transportation and environmental impact assessment of a new university campus. As a research associate my key responsibilities include, assist in conducting transportation survey, assist in preparation of Transport Impact Assessment (TIA), and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) reports.


Type of Sector: Research based Project.


Name and Address of Employer: Department of Urban and Regional Planning, at Bangladesh University of  Engineering and Technology (BUET); BUET Central Road, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh.


Dates (from – to): March 2012 – February 2013 (Part-time)


Occupation or Position Held: Research Assistant


Main Activities and Responsibilities: Assisted in project “Spatial Justice in Urban- Transport Planning- The case of Dhaka”. This Dr. Hasan's PhD work. As research assistant I conducted transportation user surveys such as spot survey, household travel activity survey, focus group discussions and interviews. Additionally, I also managed survey database and prepared maps.


Type of Sector: Independent Consultant. 


Name and Address of Employer: Md. Musleh Uddin HasanDepartment of Urban and Regional Planning, at Bangladesh University of  Engineering and Technology (BUET); BUET Central Road, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh.

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