Working / upcoming Paper(s)
[30] Labib, S.M., Itova, I., Staves, C., Zapata-Diomedi, B., Both, A., Gunn, L., Khreis, H., Abbas, A., Sivakumar, A., Panter, J., Giles-Corti, B., and Woodcock, J. Integrating spatially detailed micro-environmental attributes to a routable transport network for active travel modeling: A pilot study in Greater Manchester. In Upcoming GISRUK Conference, 2022
[29] Labib, S.M., Browning, M.H., Rigolon, A., Helbich, M., and James, P., 2021. Nature’s contributions in coping with a pandemic in the 21st century: A narrative review of evidence during COVID-19 (pre-print). Under Review: Environmental Research.
[28] Ashik, F.R., Rahman, M.H., Zafri, N.M., Labib, S.M. Exploring the impact of the built environment on sustainable travel behavior in a megacity context: a data-driven machine learning approach. Under Revision: Transportation Research Part D [as Senior author, supervising paper with MSc students in BUET, Bangladesh]
[27] Labib, S.M., De Nazelle, A., Goodman, A., Zapata-Diomedi, B., Oxley, T., and Woodcock, J. Developing air pollution impact factor for large scale health impact assessment of NO2 and PM2.5 in UK City regions. Target Journal: Environmental Pollution/ Environment International
[26] Labib, S.M.; et al., Viewing nature (blue and greenspaces) influence human health and wellbeing: A review of evidence and methodologies. Target Journals: Health and Place, Environmental Research.
[25] Larson, L.R., Mullenbach, L.E., Browning, M.H.,…Helbich, M., and Labib, S.M. Greenspace and park use associated with less emotional distress among college students in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic. Environmental Research. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2021.112367
[24] Labib, S.M.; Lindley, S.; Huck, J.J. Estimating multiple greenspace exposure types and their associations with neighborhood premature mortality: A socioecological study. Science of the Total Environment, 789, 147919.
[23] Shuvo, Mazumdar, Labib. Walkability and Greenness Do Not Walk Together: Investigating Associations between Greenness and Walkability in a Large Metropolitan City Context. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(9), p. 4429.
[22] Labib, S.M.; Huck, J.J.; Lindley, S. Modelling and mapping eye-level greenness visibility exposure using multi-source data at high spatial resolutions. Science of the Total Environment, 755, 143050.
[21] Labib, S.M.; Huck, J.J. Lindley, S.J. Greenness visibility using viewshed analysis: A pilot study in Manchester. In Proceedings of the 28th Annual GIScience Research UK (GISRUK 2020), London, UK.
[20] Labib, S.M., Shuvo, F.K., Browning, M.H. and Rigolon, A. Noncommunicable diseases, park prescription, and urban green space use patterns in a Global South Context: The case of Dhaka, Bangladesh. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(11), 3900.
[19] Labib, S.M.; Lindley, S.; Huck, J.J. Scale effects in remotely sensed greenspace metrics and how to mitigate them for environmental health exposure assessment. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 82, 101501.
[18] Labib, S.M.; Lindley, S.; Huck, J.J. (2019) Spatial Dimensions of the Influence of Urban Green-Blue Spaces on Human Health: A Systematic Review. Environmental Research, p.108869.
[17] Labib, S. M. (2019). Investigation of the likelihood of green infrastructure (GI) enhancement along linear waterways or on derelict sites (DS) using machine learning. Environmental Modelling & Software, 118, 146-165.
[16] Labib, S. M.; Mohiuddin, H.; Hasib, I. M. A.; Sabuj, S. H.; & Hira, S. (2019). Integrating Data Mining and Microsimulation Modelling to Reduce Traffic Congestion: A Case Study of Signalized Intersections in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Urban Science, 3(2), 41.
[15] Labib, S.M.; Rahman, M.S.; Ahmed, B. (2019). Social Media Analytics in understanding the Rohingya crisis: An exploration of public sentiment and geo-political responses. In International Conference on the Rohingya Crisis in Comparative Perspective: Book of Abstracts. Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction (IRDR), University College London (UCL), UK.
[13] Labib, S. M., Neema, M. N., Rahaman, Z., Patwary, S. H., & Shakil, S. H. (2018). Carbon dioxide emission and bio-capacity indexing for transportation activities: A methodological development in determining the sustainability of vehicular transportation systems. Journal of environmental management, 223, 57-73.
[12] Labib, S. M., & Harris, A. (2018). The potentials of Sentinel-2 and LandSat-8 data in green infrastructure extraction, using object based image analysis (OBIA) method. European Journal of Remote Sensing, 51(1), 231-240.
[11] Labib, S., Siddiquee, M. Z. H., Khondoker, M. S. I., & Sayfullah, M. (2018). Exploring the Potentials of UAV Based Geo-Spatial Data Acquisition in Urban Environment: A Case study in Dhaka City, Bangladesh. In H. Arefi, F-J. Behr, & F. Alidoost (Eds.), Geoinformation – Supporting Crisis and Disaster Management : AGSE Eighth International Summer School and Conference (pp. 69-75). Karlsruhe, Germany: AGSE Publishing.
[10] Labib, S.M.; Hossain, N.; Patwary, S.H (2018, April). Environmental Cost of Refugee Crisis: Case Study of Kutupalong Balukhali Rohingya Camp Site a Remote Sensing Approach. In Proceedings of the 26th Annual GIScience Research UK (GISRUK 2018), Leicester, UK.
[9] Labib, S. M. (2017). Volunteer GIS (VGIS) based waste management: A conceptual design and use of web 2.0 for smart waste management in Dhaka City. In 2017 Third International Conference on Research in Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (ICRCICN) (pp. 137-141). IEEE.
[8] Hira, S.; & Labib, S. M. (2017). Conceptual study of Web-based PPGIS for Designing Built Environment: Identifying Housing Location Preferences in Littleborough. In Proceedings of the 25th Annual GIScience Research UK (GISRUK 2017), Manchester, UK.
[7] Labib, S. M.; Patwary, M. S. H.; & Islam, I. (2017). Participatory Vulnerability Mapping: A case study on community based disaster management in (ward 13) Dhaka city, Bangladesh. In Proceedings of the 25th Annual GIScience Research UK (GISRUK 2017), Manchester, UK.
[6] Labib, S. M., Rahaman, Z., & Patwary, M. S. H. (2016). Comprehensive evaluation of urban public Non-Motorized Transportation Facility services in Dhaka. In Proceedings of the 8th Multidisciplinary Academic Conference, Prague, Czech Republic (pp. 14-15).
[5] Labib, S. M., Rahaman, M. Z., & Patwary, S. H. (2014). Green transport planning for Dhaka city: Measures for environment friendly transportation system. Undergraduate thesis, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Department of Urban and Regional Planning.
[3] Labib, S. M., Mohiuddin, H., & Shakil, S. H. (2009). Transport Sustainability of Dhaka: A Measure of Ecological Footprint and Means for Sustainable Transportation System. Journal of Bangladesh Institute of Planners, 6, 137-147.
[2] Labib, S. M., Bhuiya, M. M. R., & Rahaman, M. Z. (2013). Location and size preference for apartments in Dhaka and prospect of real estate market. Bangladesh Research Publications Journal, 9(2), 87-96.
[1] Labib, S. M. (2013). Decentralization for sustainable city environment: A case of solid waste and transport footprint of Dhaka city. World Town Planning Day–2013 Souvenir. Bangladesh Institution of Planners (BIP). 26-31pp.